One of the questions I always get when talking about the Semantic Web is "What does it look like?" This is kind of like asking what electricity looks like: it doesn't so much look like anything, as it makes certain things possible. But I fully understand that people need to see something for this all to make sense, so when the webinar technology allows it I have started showing some web pages. When it doesn't, I send people to links they can explore on their own. Since some of you may have this same question, here are a few illustrations using two sites that can present authors in a Semantic Web form.

That same information is available in a semantic web format, RDF in XML. (Note: it is common to code Semantic Web data in XML, but that's not the only possible data format. There is nothing inherent in the Semantic Web that would make it XML-like, it's just a convenience.) This is not intended to be human friendly -- it is code to be used by programs. You should notice that it makes use of identifiers that look like URLs:
<foaf:person about=""></foaf:person>The above establishes the primary identifier for all of the information that follows in the XML.
You will also see that, like other applications using XML, it allows you to mix data elements from different "namespaces." The Open Library RDF uses a mix of elements from Dublin Core, Friend-of-a-Friend (FOAF), the Bibliographic Ontology, and RDA Vocabularies.
Another database that provides its data in RDF is the Virtual International Authority File, VIAF. VIAF combines the name authority data from about twenty national authority files, making it possible to translate from different name display forms when exchanging data. Here is part of the VIAF display for Barbara Cartland:

You can retrieve or export the metadata for this author in various formats including MARC and RDF/XML. Once again you will see that the RDF form of the data makes use of FOAF, a standard called "Simple Knowledge Organization System" or SKOS, and also RDA vocabularies for the FRBR Group2 entities from the Open Metadata Registry.
You can look at more examples on my links page, but I hope that this takes some of the mystery out of Semantic Web data, or at least makes the mystery a known rather than unknown puzzler.