Tuesday, September 05, 2006

MARC - We Can Do It!

It seems pretty clear that there is interest in exploring the mur... uh, morphing of MARC. There are now some active email discussions (on the MARC list and on the ngc4lib list). However, neither the blog format nor email discussion are going to move us forward very well. We need a collaborative workplace where we can all add to lists of requirements, where we can share "prior art" links, and where we can mock-up solutions. I cannot easily run a wiki on my web site, so this is a call for a donation of a well-run sandbox where we can take these ideas a bit further, or information as to where one can do this.

Meanwhile, I'll gather up comments from the various discussions and post a summary.

Thank you all!

1 comment:

  1. Hrm, I didn't see Dorothea's comment before putting together a dokuwiki at aftermarc.coffeecode.net tonight and posting that URL to the MARC list.

    Sorry, Karen and Dorothea; I was too focused on Karen's last post to the MARC listserv, and too excited to be able to offer something useful to the effort, so I acted hastily. Augh.

    Let me know if you want me to turn AfterMARC into a redirect to Dorothea's site, if you decide to go that direction.


Comments are moderated, so may not appear immediately, depending on how far away I am from email, time zones, etc.